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Nursing Home Negligence

nursing home negligence, harland law firm

Nursing Home Negligence – Medical Professionals have extensive experience, education and training that is relied upon every time they are entrusted by their patients to provide medical care, services and treatment in accordance with acceptable medical standards within the community. Unfortunately, most patients are not on a level playing field with their healthcare provider when it comes to understanding what proper healthcare entails and therefore patients put enormous trust and faith in these professionals, that they are competent and know what they are doing. Sometimes this faith and trust is misplaced, and medical mistakes occur. Often times, the results are catastrophic.

Statistics show that Nursing Home Negligence is the third leading cause of death among Americans and accounts for an average of 225,000 deaths per year in the last decade alone! That is over 2,250,000 people killed in the last decade alone. When medical mistakes cause catastrophic injury or death, the results are devastating to the victims and their loved ones. Injuries from medical neglect can cause a lifetime of debilitation and loss of the ability to earn money and add up into the millions of dollars in lost wages and future medical care needs.

Allowing victims to claim these damages from the medical providers responsible soundly shifts the financial costs where they should be….on the shoulders of the individual or entity responsible. In past years, tort reform has been pushed by the medical community and their insurers, which often cites increasing liability insurance premiums as the need for this reform. Often these reforms amount to nothing more than shifting the bill onto the taxpayers, while the negligent actors walk away scott free, while medical providers’ liability insurance premiums never decrease. Taxpayers pick up the tab by way of governmental programs such as Medicare and Medicaid picking up the tab for these injuries and treatment. It does not have to be this way.

If you or a loved one have been the victim of medical mistake or Nursing Home Negligence, call us, we can help.

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